Monday, October 26, 2009

Conscience or unconscience?

Ok-I know there is no such word as unconscience (even MS spell-check is highlighting it as I write!), but it just became a word and I’d like to use it to describe what it may feel like when we don’t listen to our conscience.
What a waste if our conscience is there to serve no real purpose.

What is conscience anyway? Is it a ‘gut feel’, is it the pressure of moral teachings from our youth displaying it’s inbuilt requirement for obedience as we grow older? Or is it some weird inner voice we aren’t supposed to admit to or pay too much attention to?

Well- I have respect for my conscience, as it has on numerous occasions known well before me what is likely to befall and I have more and more taken heed of its presence. No-I am not talking about intuition or psychic powers. This is listening to your inner voice-maybe this is the only true connection that remains with ourselves-the real us. We can find ourselves sometimes conflicted, going ‘against our own grain’-it feels uncomfortable, we may even get irritated with life in general and not know why. I wonder if this is a representation of being unconscience- where the inner voice and the external voice are out of synch?

Maybe our conscience is there to help us remain connected with ourselves and as in my previous blog-maybe this is why we may lose ourselves in the journey of life. We may even inadvertently slowly tune out of listening to our conscience-until it retires to an unloved and undervalued ‘observer’ status in our lives, instead of ‘contributor’.

The more I listen out for that inner voice, the more at ease I feel with what it tries to tell me. It becomes a consideration in my decision making process rather than the decider-and a valuable contributor for checking-in with myself. I even consciously take time to ‘listen’/ ask the inner voice- my conscience, for its voice. When did you last listen to yours? Could you recognise it if it spoke up, would it be shut down like a naughty interruptive child or are you willing to feel its presence and give it a place in your life?

Would you like to live a life of conscience or unconscience?

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