Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Follower or a Leader?

Which would you rather be- a follower or a leader?
How many leaders set out to be leaders or followers set out to be a follower?

Being a follower, at worst evokes imagery such as sheep being herded. It implies one is potentially easily directed, following a path created by someone else and foregoing being in charge of one’s own direction.....
Leader implies someone in front-someone others are following. But how many leaders aren’t followers themselves? And does following have to be from behind or leading need be from the front?

Which would you rather do: lead a follower or follow a leader? Why?

Genuine leaders don’t lead to have a following, they follow their own lead to build a better future-for themselves, for other people , for their companies, their communities and/or for humanity.

"Good" leaders are change agents-acting for positive change, like the match that ignites a candle’s flame spreading light & warmth. Wherever the candle may move, the flame remains in the centre-neither in front nor behind.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yesterday’s hold on Tomorrow’s future

Recently I’ve been getting some quotes for roller blinds for windows in our new house. Although drawn to the range of light-weight sun-filters, which were far more interesting, with great textures and variations and aesthetically pleasing; I resorted to choosing the least boring of the practical, heavier blockers- for keeping in heat and providing complete privacy at nights.
You may wonder what the connection is between the title and roller blinds...but bear with me....

Our past shapes us, who we are and how our role evolves within the world. That’s partly to do with the roles and partly with what we see the world as/the world we see. My world is the same as yours, but it isn’t-I will experience it differently to you. What I do with my time in this world will become my reality. My reality is sometimes made up of shutting out realities. But how much of it is OK to shut out before the view is so distorted that it no longer represents the world that exists? The reality I experience is relative to the filtering I extend across the vista of the world that then becomes ‘my world’.

How much we see is not just dependent on the blinds we use, but the number of windows there are, their sizes, and their orientation to the outside. Then it’s to do with how fine are the blinds that shelter the windows: sun-filter or block-out?

A blind is a blind- it’ll take care not only of how much we shut out but also of how much gets shut in!
