Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Follower or a Leader?

Which would you rather be- a follower or a leader?
How many leaders set out to be leaders or followers set out to be a follower?

Being a follower, at worst evokes imagery such as sheep being herded. It implies one is potentially easily directed, following a path created by someone else and foregoing being in charge of one’s own direction.....
Leader implies someone in front-someone others are following. But how many leaders aren’t followers themselves? And does following have to be from behind or leading need be from the front?

Which would you rather do: lead a follower or follow a leader? Why?

Genuine leaders don’t lead to have a following, they follow their own lead to build a better future-for themselves, for other people , for their companies, their communities and/or for humanity.

"Good" leaders are change agents-acting for positive change, like the match that ignites a candle’s flame spreading light & warmth. Wherever the candle may move, the flame remains in the centre-neither in front nor behind.

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